Stainless Steel Foil: 304 and 321

As a premiere global provider of metal mesh solutions, we provide a range of products including high-quality 304, 316, and 321 stainless steel foil, as well as foils from Inconel®, Hastelloy®, and other alloys. Our vertically integrated manufacturing processes provide efficiency and reliability, making us a trusted industrial foil supplier for customers worldwide.

Whether you require specialized solutions for mission-critical assemblies or durable materials for large volume applications, our stainless steel foil can be configured to meet your requirements. Our team provides decades of experience in the manufacturing of industrial foil, and can advise on your specific needs, from corrosion resistance and heat tolerance to formability and weldability.

Choosing between 304 and 321 stainless steel foil depends on the specific requirements of your application. Contact us using the form below and a member of our team will be in touch shortly to discuss your needs and help you select the ideal industrial foil solution.

Our 304 and 321 stainless steel foil meets ASTM A 240 standard specifications.

Typical Properties

Melting Range2400°F
Rolls50 lb
Density0.285 lb per cubic inch
Width36 inches and 40 inches

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Contact Our Stainless Steel Foil Experts

Rely on our expertise in stainless steel foil manufacturing and our commitment to quality to help your project succeed. Whether you need custom-sized industrial foil, technical support, or want to explore ACS Industries’ product and service offerings, our team is ready to assist you. Reach out today to share more about your project and discover how our stainless steel foil can enhance your products and processes.