- ACS Industries, Inc. Surcharge Policy
- Surcharges Archive
- This month’s Surcharges: March 2025
The following information is the ACS Surcharge Policy. For more information, please see the full Surcharge Policy Notes & Citations.
1. All Surcharges published on the ACS Industries, Inc. website are specific to the United States. For Surcharges relating to other regions, please Contact Us.
2. Base Price / Lb is an approximation of a commodity’s price on metal exchanges in the Policy’s base year (2003). This is the price that ACS factors into product costing and quotations.
3. Current Price / Lb is the material’s trailing two-months (i.e. November calculations use September’s closing spot averages) on metal exchanges. The Base Price / Lb is subtracted from this number to calculate the surcharge component applied to individual alloys.
4. ACS factors 6% total scrap on raw material – 3% for wire processing and 3% for finished goods fabrication.
5. Total Surcharge / Lb equals the Surcharge Sub Total plus the Scrap Factor and is the value applied to individual part weights.
6. For the trailing two months’ London Metal Exchange averages used for Nickel, Chrome, Iron and Moly, please visit here.
7. For the trailing two months’ New York Mercantile Exchange averages used for Copper, please visit here.
8. For the trailing two months’ New York Mercantile Exchange averages used for Aluminum please visit here.