ACS Partners With Santa Claus

Improving Santa’s Sleigh With ACS Components

Santa’s flight this year will be safer, more comfortable and more environmentally friendly than ever thanks to his new partnership with ACS Industries.

We’ve equipped Santa’s sleigh with a new green energy system to power his on-board electronics (a lot of energy-intensive tools go into optimizing, planning, and tracking his journey) while ACS exhaust components clean up emissions and reduce noise from the sleigh’s internal combustion engine (the reindeer have been mostly ornamental since the global population surpassed 8 billion and Santa had to increase his average travel speed).

ACS airbag and seat belt components have also been equipped, making this the most secure aeronautical sleigh in history and ensuring safe and successful travels for Santa for many years to come.

Give us a call today to find out how ACS can deliver similar results for your company.